Carol Bye-MacLeod

Assistant Educator

Joined NMS in 2024

AMI Primary Diploma--The Midwest Montessori Institute

AMS Lower Elementary Credential-- Michigan Montessori Teacher Education Center

AMS Infant/Toddler Credential--Center for Montessori Education, New York.

EEC Certifications for Lead Teacher Preschool and Lead Teacher Infant/Toddler

EEC Certification for Director I

I constantly work on becoming more mindful, remaining in the present moment, and allowing myself the space needed to become as aware as possible.  This practice dovetails beautifully with Montessori, as my overall child philosophy is also a daily practice of observing the children. I love introducing them to new things; helping them towards achieving independent and self-motivated growth in all areas of their development. My goal is to nurture each child’s natural desire for knowledge, understanding, and respect; and lovingly provide children with tools for learning.

I love music, poetry, and art. I also enjoy nature, walking, bicycling, kayaking, reading, writing, and playing my ukulele. I currently live on Plum Island with my husband and dog.