Heather Burrell

Assistant Educator

Joined NMS in 2019

Bachelor of Fine Arts, Emerson College
Montessori Assistant Teacher Course, Cambridge Montessori Institute
Child Growth & Development Course, Northern Essex Community College

Both of my children attended NMS for preschool and had wonderful experiences. I knew some teachers and the founder/owner from my early days being involved in the local arts and was gratefully welcomed into the NMS community. When my youngest child started full-time school, I began filling in at NMS and continued to grow my time here the last few years. As a stay-at-home mom for many years, watching children interact, grow, and explore their passions became my favorite activity. Having worked with Theater in the Open as a teenager, I experienced the value of people of all ages working together, where children were respected and never underestimated, and I always carried those values with me. I appreciate the respect and peace ingrained in the Montessori classroom and specifically here within the NMS community.

I live by the marsh in Byfield with my partner and our combined four children, a 20 yr old formerly-feral cat, and a special-needs house rabbit. I grew up in Merrimac by the river and love the natural beauty our area has to offer. Aside from having a sore face from the non-stop smiling that happens when I'm spending time at NMS, I enjoy connecting with my family and friends, yoga, paddle boarding, camping, and making vegetable-heavy soups. I started learning to ski last winter, raised and released 26 monarchs so far this summer, and I'm hoping to begin honing my ax-throwing skills in the near future.